Friday, October 17, 2008

Celt's Week 7 lineup

Aahhh, the rematch w/ the reigning champs....

Wonder if they're still sore from the Week 2 spankin' they suffered?....

I guess my team has moved on from being Swiss-shit, and is now in the full throes of bi-polar disorder. I have no other way to explain a winning record against the top 2 Rommel teams and losing to everyone else.

(I know, I know... it's a split w/ Bigcan, but hey, It's My Bubble, don't be breakin' it!!!)

Oh well, at least I haven't completely trashed my '09 draft placement,... yet.

Let's see whether my boys come out as manic high, or manic low...

QB Ben "I think I can" Roethlisberger
RB Ronnie "Got Ricky's stash" Brown
RB Sammy "I miss the security of the bench" Brown
WR Randy "Gimme the da%# ball!!" Moss
WR Ike "Where's my walker?" Hilliard
WR Bryant "Where's my hands?" Johnson
TE Tony "I'm da man" Gonzalez
KI Kris "How'd I get here?" Brown
Def Tampa "Carrying the team" Bay

1 comment:

The_Celt's said...

Not sure where "Brown" came from, but my only "S" rb is S Morris... I need another beer.