Thursday, September 9, 2010

California Week 1 Partial


Its that time again of the year to mock our "competition" and travel to some of the dregs of the world to face our opponents, eat undesirable food, meet undesirable people, stay at undesirable "hotels" and play at undesirable stadiums. Looking at you Cheech!

For our first game of the year, we get the pleasure and greatness of travelling to the one location in the world where the Bubonic plague still persists to this day, the Steppes of Mongolia. Such a fine place to start our season off. The pleasures of the poverty stricken lining the streets, the high-speed connection that only a phone line can offer, and oxen wandering thru the dirt of the city. make it even better, we get to leave the luxurious city in our jeeps and horses, and head off to Tent City, to play in the fine stadium of the Horde.

Our shots are up-to-date (oh, not Golden Tate though, he and Haylie stayed behind to surf the beautiful blue surf off Oceanside), our errm...1st class tickets are purchased, and we brought our own water filters this time.

We would like to thank the Horde for the fine conditions.

And to top it all off, we have only a partial lineup to post for tonights game. The rest of the team has gotten stuck at the connection terminal in Kyoto, due to some kind of issue with Geishas and smoking lounges.

RB: "Lucky" Pierre Thomas
PK: Garrett "Kicker" Hartley

Thank you to our fans at Kyoto International for rushing these two past the errrmm...issues and allowing them to play tonight.


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