Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dispatch from Lake Wobegon

Lake Wobegon, MN. - The people of Lake Wobegon gathered under the bandshell of Memorial Park today to protest the lack of results being posted to the AZ DFL website. "What the f*ck do we pay these f*ckers for, anyway!?", said an irate Imam Hanson. Town council member Adelaide Shmeltzel vowed to place an investigation item on the next Council agenda, stating forcefully, "We Whoopass fans need to know what is going on in the league. What the h*ll are we supposed to do, look up the scores on the new fangled internets or something?"

1 comment:

Randy said...

The Lackey would like to apologize for his behavior with his sloth-like site update skills. He has nothing to blame but the following:

1. A keg of beer + ice cold mugs
2. The IRS

That is all.
