Friday, October 24, 2008

Celt's Week 8 Lineup

Just past the halfway point of the season and only 3 teams with winning records in the entire league.... amazing.

With their season sweep of the defending champs, the Celt's season is a success regardless of the remaining outcome. However, since the swiss-shit coagulated into something resembling a team roster, it looks like a high draft pick is eluding our grasp.

The new goal is to go rumblin', stumblin', bumblin' into a wildcard spot, then unleash another round of whip-ass on the Whoopass. (It's good to have goals, regardless of how unrealistic they are.)

To start our march into the wildcard, we will start the following lineup to attempt to be the stomper, instead of the stompee.

QB Ben McRoethlisberger
RB Brian McWestbrook (dnp Correll O'Buckhalter)
RB Ronnie McBrown
WR Randy McMoss
WR Anquan O'Boldin (dnp Josh McMorgan)
WR Steve McBreaston
TE Tony O'Gonzalez
KI Kris McBrown
DF Tampa Bay O'Bucs

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